June 06, 2006

I've gotta play along..... My Panagram

I had to sneak in a pic of my most favorite Hallmark character, Maxine, who adorns my mousepad, coffee mug, calendar, and, unfortunately, my attitude some days. :)

My handwriting may be hard to read in the pic, but rest assured, even if it was a good pic, my writing would be quite sloppy. By this time in the school year, I've given up on neat and settled for legible. I wish my students would do the same!!! After grading about 150 final exams (with hand written essay responses), I was ready to begin teaching handwriting for an entire marking period next year, just for the sake of my sanity! Oh well.... (cue one of the best songs in the world...) "School's Out for the Summer..." That's right! Tomorrow is the last day of school!!! Yipeee!!!!!! (cue breakdancing in middle of classroom.... of course, after the students leave.... ;) )


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