May 26, 2006

Meter Accuracy - the excitement never ends here at LaLa's Hi Lo Log...

Yes, the most stimulating part of my day thus far has been my pre-meal test at lunch where I tested at 181 on my first test. Ok, 181 isn't out of character for me, but I tested at 9:30 and was 149, so I didn't see how I could have gone up in 2 hours without having eaten anything.

So I check again. Just in case.


That's better! So, perhaps against my better judgement, I use the 145 as my pre-meal number and give my bolus accordingly. I ugess when I do a test pre-workout I'll see if the 40 points really made a difference, or if my meter's satanic side (the side that gives me ALL high readings) was shining through at lunch.

Either way, what can you do?? Test a third time?? Hm... *dolt* maybe should have tried that... but it's Friday, and on Friday's, I not only stop for a cup of coffee on the way to work, but I also trust faithfully in good readings from my meter. Because it's Friday. :)


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